Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Big Boo

Our little Halloween tradition.. The Big Boo, we've taken Hunter since she was a baby. Dave's gone ever since he was in this same elementary school. Even Mimi (Dave'a mom) joined us for the festivities. My favorite part was the taaa-co's :) or was it the cheese tamale's. Cant remember ;) but my diet is officially blown.

Don't they look great! We've planned this costome since September

This is mr Sushi and Fushi. The new family pets. Please note, its much harder than it seems to get the ping-pong into the water jar. We spent 8 tickets and a commulative 30 min in line before Vanessa scored a double win.

CuTe LiTtLe GiRlIes - They had so much fun.